Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Book of D: Responding to Ms. Mayim Bialik

... You said what I've been feeling but have been unable to say because it still stings and feels so darn unreal. We're at the pinnacle of inventing so many amazing things in this cent, yet, the views of the GOP remain so antiquated and their beliefs are more steeped in anger and revenge that they fail to acknowledge that all people, including women, have inherent and inalienable rights to equal rights and protection as written in the constitution. You know, the constitution they hide behind when they ignore enacting good, sound gun laws but use to justify the maltreatment of womens' rights. I could go on and on, but honestly, I'm so freaking tired. But, I'll rest and recuperate and start some #GoodTrouble.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Book of D: Day 2, Paint that Wagon

So, this afternoon my great-nephew graduated from my alma mater, Big Spring H.S. I was unable to go because of the social distancing rules (only seven guests per grad). I watched the live stream via FB instead. My spouse, having returned to her job with D.P.S., brought home lunch for both of us. I failed to share my abstinence plans with her yesterday, so she brought me sweet tea with my meal. I casually reached for the cup and almost sipped from the straw when I remembered I had given it up. I almost fell off the ole proverbial wagon, y'all, and it hasn't even been a full day. What! 😲It wasn't too bad not drinking it. Good thing I love water. I started cleaning my workshop after I finished with my work duties for the day; we reviewed budget requests and cuts. Ughhh. Anyway, cleaning up the shop and working on my shelf project will keep my mind off tea. Cleaning is hard work, and the weather is hot again, so it will make me extremely parched--and my body will certainly crave H2O. I'll be fine sans sweet tea. Let's keep going.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Book of D: Day 1, Bidding Adieu to Sweet Tea

So, my vice is actually Gold Peak Diet Tea. I am going to abstain from drinking it for the next six weeks. This is part of an assignment for my mental health counseling program, Addictions Counseling COUN-6380.720 course, but I was already thinking about cutting ties with the sweet nectar of the tea G-ds. I sincerely believe it will be an overall, positive benefit for my mental and physical health. Not sure it will be positive for my family (lol) but that's another topic in and of itself. Let's go . . . !
No tea baristas were injured during the initial phase.